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Exhibition Catalogues

Subterranean Worlds 20 000 Leagues Under The Earth - Exhibition catalogue

  • € 39

Subterranean Worlds explores the representations and knowledge that Man has constructed of life underground, from the most remote traces to his current aspirations and views. In a journey where ancient works dialogue with modern and contemporary works, the work aims to make palpable all the ambivalence and richness of these worlds, continually torn between Thanatos and Eros, death and fertility, obscurantism and creativity.
Paintings, sculptures, objects of art, books, films and architectural elements reflect this polysemy shaped by societies which have nourished, in one way or another, a real fascination for the depths of the Earth.
True reveals of higher worlds, the worlds located beneath the earth shelter at the same time what we hide and what we bury, what we fear and what we adore, what we ignore. and what we sense, what we seek and what we collect, what is repugnant and what inspires.
Underground Worlds thus offers an initiatory path which begins at the bottom of the abysses, to discover these universes which have come to illuminate the world above.
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